Partner with Caltech

Caltech-Industry partnerships can take many different forms. The Corporate Partnerships team can help you identify the best structure for supporting your collaborations. Some of the more common partnerships include…
Sponsored Research
Corporate funding of a research project of common interest for a specific term allows for a mutually beneficial relationship. With a defined scope of work and budget, a work agreement with deliverables can lead to larger, multi-PI projects.
Corporate philanthropy often reflects corporate priorities while increasing awareness of your company on campus. Gifts in support of research provide unrestricted funding for an academic division, scientific discipline, or research center. Your giving helps provide seed funding for research projects, graduate fellowships, or programmatic support.
Strategic Partnerships
These are robust, multi-year agreements with companies that are well-aligned & committed to a long-term partnership with Caltech. Offering high visibility across campus, each agreement is crafted to an individual partner's needs.
Many of our corporate partners are interested in licensing Caltech IP. If you'd like to learn more, please feel free to contact us.
New Venture Creation & Entrepreneurship
Caltech and our corporate partners can work together to support start-up companies based on Caltech and JPL technologies. If you're interested in learning more, please feel free to contact us.
Other Engagement Opportunities
If your interests don't fall into any of the above categories, please don't hesitate to reach out to us to explore other options. We can guide you on a variety of topics ranging from student internships and recruiting, executive education, and use of Caltech facilities, among others.