The Timothy D. Ryan Summer Entrepreneurship Program
What is the program, and how do I qualify?
The Timothy D. Ryan Summer Entrepreneurship Program was established to help students, especially undergraduates, develop their innovative ideas into novel commercial products or services. These products or services might bring solutions to a variety of business sectors, including but not limited to: electronics, engineering, biochemistry, software, information sciences, and climate technology.
Successful student applicants should have a comprehensive product description and evidence to support the specific market need the product would address. In addition, a preliminary marketing plan should be articulated, along with a proposed budget and timeline for the development of the early-stage product definition or prototype. This budget should include a 3-month summer stipend for the awardee(s) and projected purchase costs for required materials and tools.
Participation in the 10-week summer internship educational program is expected to be a full-time commitment, and cannot be combined with other work (e.g. SURF).
2024 Timothy D. Ryan Summer Entrepreneurship Intern Awardees:
Audiomatic: Brian Hu & Nika Chuzhoy
Chiron: Andrea Olsen
How do I apply, and what is the timeline for applications?
This year's applications for the The Timothy D. Ryan Summer Entrepreneurship Program open at the beginning of the Winter Term and close February 23, 2024.
Learn more about the program and submit your applications through CALE:
The winner(s) will be announced on March 22, 2024.
The winners' project presentations will commence during the Summer 2024 Term and include a lunch with Tim Ryan.
About Timothy D. Ryan (BS '78)
While working on his Caltech undergraduate degree, Tim Ryan (BS '78) co-founded his first digital music synthesizer company, Con Brio, with two fellow Caltech students. In 1989, Ryan went on to found the company that would become M-Audio. The company became the industry leader in innovative computer-based recording solutions developing and offering a wide variety of affordable interfaces, keyboards, speakers and microphones. M-Audio was acquired by Avid Technologies, Inc. in 2004.
Please contact the Caltech Innovation Center for any further questions.